Wednesday 7 September 2011

Site Artworks

Artists during Year 1 of Green TV have created a number of artworks in response to the surroundings of the wildlife sites visited.

Animations for Green TV Mobile Phone App

Paul Dolan produced a number of digital animations in response to an exploration of the Whinnies Nature Reserve and South Burdon Community Woodland, Darlington. The animations are the culmination of three residencies Paul carried out on these sites with pupils from Gurney Pease Primary and Cockerton CE Primary schools with the support of Darlington Borough Council’s Parks & Countryside Team.
These animations now form the basis of a free Green TV App, available from both Android Market and Apple App Stores. To get the app on your Android and iPhone handsets, please visit the
Android Market Place and the iPhone App Store.


‘Mirage’ is an artistic response to Coatham Marsh, the place and its history. Industry has always affected the marsh, but despite this, the natural environment has survived and continued to grow. Sometimes industry and nature are in conflict, and sometimes they work together. Some man-made objects, like boats, carry a cargo of references to all of these things – nature, industry and human endeavour.

Mirage was developed with the help of the children of Whitecliffe Primary School in Carlin How, Westgarth Primary School in Marske and members of the Redcar and Cleveland community.

Conflict Zone

During her Green TV residencies, Lindsay Duncanson worked with pupils from Bader and Yarm Primary School and wildlife staff at RSPB Saltholme to creatively explore RSPB Saltholme’s wildlife and history.

Saltholme was once part of the World War 2 coastal defense system. The remains of an ammunition store can be seen near the main entrance of the site. Pupils thought about the defense of our coastline during WW2, and drew parallels with how the same land is now being used – to protect and conserve wildlife.
A ‘Conflict Zone Brass Rubbing Trail’ has been created for the site, inviting people to make rubbings from and follow a path of words in the Discovery Zone.
For more information on Green TV please visit

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